Thursday, 27 December 2018

Why Web Designing Is A Good Career To Opt For

According to the median salary for a web designer as of February 2017 is $72,140.

Let’s first understand the responsibility of a web designer.
  • The responsibility of a web designer/developer is the creation of the design, layout, and coding of a website.
  • They are involved with the various technical and graphical aspects of a website. Take for example, how a website works and how it looks.
  • Sometimes, a web developer can also be involved in maintaining and updating an existing site.
Today web designers/developers are being employed in almost all the industry sectors including finance and retail to public organizations. They are either employed directly by IT consultancies, software companies, web design agencies or they tend to work in a company's IT department. Job opportunities today is on the rise for web developers including the USA, UK, and it is increasing substantially in South East Asia.

Do you know?

According to a projection, the employment of web developers is expected to grow 15 percent from 2016 to 2026. This is fastest among all other occupations.

What a web developer does?

After establishing the target audience for a website and identifying the type of content the website will host, a web designer/developer has to:
  • Write the programming code. This can be either from scratch or by an existing website’s software and graphics packages to meet the requirements of the business.
  • Test the websites usability and identify technical problems if any.
  • Upload the website with the help of a server and register it on different search engines to make it live.
The requirements of a website developer:
  • A web designer has to work 40 hours a week which is less than most other jobs.
  • A 9 am to 5:30 pm shift is the most common shift timing for a person of this profile.
  • In rare cases, there can be extra hours or work on weekends.
  • A person can be self-employed and work from home. Flexible hours of work and working on a part-time basis are also an option for a web developer.
  • Sometimes traveling might also be required. The office where web developers work can be an open-plan office environment.
If you have the basic skills to:
  • Be creative and imaginative
  • Be skillful in software programming and graphics
  • Be adaptable and have the ability to pick up new techniques
  • Have good communication skills
  • Remain up to date with advances in technology
then web development is the perfect job profile for you.

Careers in web development:

A lot of companies employ a web designer/developer for their front-end and back-end website projects. Moreover, a person can work individually and set up their own business. Front-end developer and back-end developer are the important parts of being a web developer.

Front-end developer:

The front-end developer is the person who serves on the side of client dealing with the web page design, graphics that is open to the user.

Back-end developer:

A back-end developer is the one who is accountable for the back-end development of a website that communicates with the server.

Max Effect Marketing is a reputed full-service web design firm in Denver. Make your business online with our top-notch web design services. Contact us now!

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

SEO Friendly Responsive Web Design Agency to Achieve Business Goals

All businesses need a digital presence. A website that is optimized and customized to drive business is crucial to the success of your business. A user-friendly website which loads fast will make the difference between acquiring a new client and losing a sale. Even a slight delay in the loading speed can cost you thousands of dollars. If you are not using the latest technology to keep your customer engaged, you are bound to lose them. Therefore, you need a responsive web design agency, which will help you turn missed opportunities into better bottom lines.

It is important to do consistent branding across the digital landscape and Max Effect Marketing’s responsive web design agency will help you improve profitability through optimizing your website for mobile users.

Google updates its search algorithm periodically and with the recent updates, it has become very clear that sites which are mobile friendly are at an advantage. With more than 80% of smartphone users using their phones to decide before a purchase, a mobile-friendly website for the brand is crucial.

It is important to note that 93% of people who use mobile internet to research, go ahead with the purchase within a few hours of research. With Max Effect Marketing’s responsive web design agency services, you will be able to reach out to new potential customers, and thus increase sales.

Responsive web design agency will create a custom website design that will help you have an edge over your competitors. Max Effect Marketing will initiate discussions to understand your business, your products/services and your target audience, then we will come up with an optimized website.

The dedicated team of web developers take approximately 1-4 weeks to design and develop a website that is sure to be a winner. However, the duration can extend depending on the level of customization and design complexity. The websites developed by Max Effect Marketing are SEO friendly, customized to suit your needs and easy for the customers to navigate. Drive potential sales right into your pockets, contact Max Effect Marketing now.